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# 1046
Used GE Healthcare Venue Ultrasound Diagnostic for sale
Used GE Healthcare Venue Ultrasound Diagnostic for sale
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20MED Equipment Solutions

제품 설명
Quantity - 3 ; Brand New Venue™ Point of Care Ultrasound System , with four Probes : C1-5-RS Convex Transducer , L12n-RS Linear Transducer (button probe) , 3SC-RS Phased Array Probe , 8C-RS Micro Convex ; Software : Ophthalmic, DICOM Network Connectivity; Hardware and Accessories : Large storage box , USB B/W image (thermal) printer UP-D 711MD, Available Now .
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for used GE Healthcare Venue Ultrasound Diagnostic
Auction ID - 1046
최소 입찰 가격 :
입찰 마감일 : 01 Jan - 12:00 AM IST
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